210213Give me what I want, because my need is so enormous; that washis demand. But his need was not greater than other peoples. Her'sevenwas enormous: James's too.She So she said nothing; for she would never submit; butwent aboutlightly, easily,free to dowhat theywanted.wrappedin amantledoggedlyvauntingan airbut looked, still, sullenly, & sadly, at the shore, which wore a look ofexquisite peace, as if the people there had fallen asleep, she thought, as iffall down on themor had felt descend on them a mantle of perfect calm.5Yes, that is their boat, Lily Briscoe decided, watching the boatwith the brown sails flatten itself upon the water & passshoot off. There he sits with his strange light eyes fixedacrossthe bayupon nothingness. And are they still silent, she th wondered, sitting staring ?so.thinking how they had followed him down the path; are & how theyhad struck her like a procession, &it had seemed to her thatthey were like a procession.they had taken on the air of a processiondoomedwere drawn somewhere,were theythe children against their will; but why so savage she askedherself turning back to her easel?For her the sympathyIt was always the same.She had never been able,she had not given him weighed on her.all the years she h when she stayed there, to praise him.She had always left that to people like Minta Doyle.That was apity perhaps.It reduced their relationship to somethingneutral, without that element of sex which had made hismanner to Minta Doyle so gallant, almost gay.Hewould pick a flower for her; she borrowed his books.Buthow could Minta read them?She dragged them aboutthe garden, sticking in leaves to mark her place.Heaven be praised for it, she thought; taking up her brush again.There was The problem of space faced her. She had made, with