351eagerly, as ifsomethinghadmoved inherabsenceas if the probably, shesomething had moved while she was had been turned away;aside:& she must lookto see what ?as it, or, perhaps, she had there had an idea had come to her.It was only a sketchIt was one of those pictures that would be hung in the bedrooms, & then inthe attics; or it would be destroyed.Very likely, she thought, but it did notmatter - what was the expression two pins? Two straws? -She stepped took up her brush. She looked at her sketch, which waslooked at the window going so, & the wall; at & saw, as she hadknown that she would see, precisely what was needed.That was it. A It was that (she drew a line) which solved herproblem.Mr. Carmichael was standing at her elbow.He looked at the canvas - He looked at the step.He watched her make the line mark which noted for her own eye thesolution of the problem.But what did that matter?She looked at the canvas.She looked at thestep. She drew a line, there, in the centre.?neatlyof the canvasShe had solved herproblem. ?Now Mr. Carmichael stood, letting hisThe whiteshape stayedperfectlystill.It was finished, that vision. Mr. Carmichael, looking over her shoulder, at theovercanvas, at theThank Heaven,Ah, it was over!But she had had herThere! It was done. It was over.But she had had her vision.