15743which seemed to come from some wandering taper which ismoved uncertainly by a wavering hand, again moved upstairs, into thebedrooms, & into the attics, & among boxes, & clothes.For example, the shawl which muffled the wild wild boar'sA wavery taperThese marginal notes appear to be side notes, trial thoughts, rather than wording intended to be embedded in the text. [Shillingsburg, P.][?]....lydespairnlyboxes & oldclotheslike aballoonpendent overgreat precipicesthethoseskull was stirred; those hanging garden,those clouds, & valleys ofsinging birds, were floated to & fro. But again, seeing howshort a time was before them, & how great a resistance even ashawl offers to a light air, the spies & desisted again fromtheir attempts to distingrate[?] the hanging shawl ,[or?]could be 'or' but I don't see 'ur'. [Shillingsburg, P.]&again Indeed they could scarcely move a loose pane, or stirthe coat of the sleeping do, or put any impediment inimpedethe way of the beetles in the kitchen,It is possible that the 2 in the margin with a line drawn to this point in the MS, is an indication that 'like a turning leaf' should go here, after 'kitchen' rendering: 'Impede the way of the beetles in the kitchen, like a turning leaf, sliding from dresser to carpet.' Alternatively, it could be an indication of a new paragraph beginning with 'Further', with the insertion coming later, after 'soon', as indicated in this transcription. [Shillingsburg, P.] sliding from corn dresser to2carpet. Moreover, how And Further, what is one night?A short space, especially in the north; especially where thedarkness dims so so soon, & so soon a bird sings, a cock crows, &like thea turningleaf,a faint green quickens in the water. All w Light will soonreturn, & the night upon night is needed[?].succeeded???? acceeded??? [Shillingsburg, P.] Night uponBut then night succeeds to night. They lengthen, they darken;the some of them hold aloftclear planets, moon of argent &plates of brightness.The autumn trees become like take on,take onravaged as they are & the splendour of tattered flags,burning in the gloom of some stone against the wall of the& marble pageschurch wall, where the gold letters describe death in battle, &ofcathedralcavesbodies buried far away, - or lost, or sunk. So theygleam in the yellow moonlight, the light of harvest moons,which behold the stubble fields, & the cle[?]could be 'di' See divine [Shillingsburg, P.]the light whichtranquilises labour & brings the wave lapping the sand litwith a caress.Then it seems as if, divine goodnesstouched by human penitence, had divine goodness haddrawn the curtain which & displayed the treasures [whichwe should enjoy always, certainly:] the clear sky, thequiet wave, the hare erect in his form,the bird[?] cow tranquil, the flowers boar rocking the moonwhich did we deserve them we should always own -