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260305One had to guess at all that had been between themby realisingto the full scenes like that.such things - looks & gestures; ?&his smile at her, sitting at the other end of the table,when one of the childrendid something & the silencessevere or resentful which sometimes fell between them.saidIt was not amarriageinwh.For one could scarcely simplify life ?out into an eternity of bliss.Weaving & grinding it must have been: eight children to bear bring up& educate: eight children.Certainlysomething always seemed to be onthe point of There was no usualHe was always about to findOh no.About eight in the morningno oneknew why.he would slam his bedroom door. might slam: Or there would besomething in the Times.or aA letter might explode on his plate.ThereThenAnd all through the house there would be a sense ofof doors slamming & blinds futt fluttering as if a gusty windbut ?unevenlywere blowing & people scuddedabout trying in a hasty way toshipshape.looking very m deeply concerned;fasten latches & make thingsfirm;with an expression ofon their faces as if theywith serious faces which & yet ayet only ?arrivedof mock solemnity for there was& she collidedwithPaulRayley in the passageonce&they laughed & laughed!AThe scenes were absurd.For instance, abecauseit was so fantastic, so absurd; that aa great mancould not tolerate a earwig in his porridge, but sent the platesending his plate flying through the air into the rhododendron?bushes.Some thought thatThere was a earwig in the milk.?somebodyMeeting them in the passage,he had A earwig in Mr. Ramsaysmilk.Other people might have centipedes, & But he hadbuilt up around him a fabric of such majesty thatthe verywerea earwigs was a monsters:He had made himselfawful as aAnd in hissense of theoutrage done him,scowling, gesticulatingHe had swelled, he had stiffened, he had become awas no longerThen he met them outside hisstudy door, & to atone for a display & he was charming.he wassublime.very very simple; taking them in showed them his book ofof birds; or his immense map of the Hebrides. or his some curiousinstrument which he kept in his study & never allowed any one