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242265particularthingShe did not want his opinion approval of any particular approval; she wantedbut his general approval.not if it had his approval, in a general way. For she would never be ableto tell himI'm thinking about the Dunes, or the stars, or the moon.and of the wind, of the starsHe would not share her thoughts.or whatever it might be.If what she thoughtBut she liked to go on with whatever was in hermind in his presence;for he made the what with his grey clothes & hisslow definite movements & his turning over the page, or neatlyfinishing the his [?] regular finishing what he was writing (&puttinga piece ofblottingpaper overit,& beginninganother,sometimes she moved about theroomwhile he wrote & theother old gentleman, sat hunched in the other arm chair) pleasedto bepleased her & she felt herself the inhabitant of a very exaltedworld; Even thpicking up odds & ends they said, or not even that[?] more exalted than the world of thepicking up attitudes & gestures; & an atmosphere of mixed of tobacco &itselfsome peculiar smell peculiar to the room, which seemed to hera grey quiet harmonious exalted atmosphere which sheinliked to pla let what she was thinking about expand, ?fthough of courselike a leaf in water, & if it did well there,?whilein his presence, in thisatmosphere of tobacco & writing &reading The Times & saying very brief things to the other oldgentlemen, then she it was all right.It might beIt was impossible to get it quite clear. It was one of those"If it didwell there" -but sheknew whoslim slippery ideas which were always just vanishing over the rim ofbeing alonein the roomwith him.things, leaving a tinge of sensation behind them; & so making upodd feelingIt wasUnpleasant, pleasant was it? Certainly very exciting.Butof course it was against James's opinion: how he was a sarcastic brute:so vain he always brought the talk round to himself; & what wasunforgivable, a tyrant.Looking at the island, with itshump & the sea beyond, she visu fixed her mind, as if to answerinanthese charges, upon the room study where he her fatherreading,her fatherwriting, her father Then, as if to verifya memory which wasquite that thing at which came feeling she looked at James;&looking at