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222177had comforted her that evening, when Charles Tansley had beenlistened togalling her; had taken her gently, seriously, with his wise, child's eyes; &how she had explained to him that a shadow figure may be neededas part of a picture; & how sh it shocked him at first. Forwasshe had left the faces blank can be left blank; & it is notthrough any lack of respect for motherhood or childhoodthat she used Mrs. Ramsay & James as a triangular shape,holding the two [?] sides of the picture togethernecessary to the picture. With his scientific mind, he hadunderstood. But really must understanding lead to marriage?did not necessarilyIt had not. She still saw him. She was even now painting apicture for his dining room. But theykept up a most satisfactory intercourse together. They went toHampton Court, & he always left her perfect gentleman that heplenty ofwas, time to wash her hands while he took a stroll by thestrolled through the courtyardriver. Then they admired the buildings. His knowledge wasastonished her. & it was never & yet it was never dry, forif he could tell her when this was built or that altered,he would always be stopping to admire either a plant or achild (one it had been his greatest grief not to have a daughter)vague thein the halfabsent minded way whichabstract, the aloof waywhich was natural to onewho spent so much time inlaboratories that when he came out hewalked slowlylifted his hand as to screen his eyessometimespaused & with his stick pointing at some flower orother, merely to enjoy life.It was one of theconsolations of her life - her friendship withMr. Bankes.And it is much better than marriage.So she addressed the drawing room steps. forthere Mrs. Ramsay had sat so often, knitting, writing,sometimes with a book on her knee, often achild.a [?rememberance] of feelingtowards her