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15845But alas, says divine goodness, twitching the cord again & covering thehe [?] thembreaking them up,treasures, & to with rain & mist, with mud & agitationpenitent though we may be, temporarily, our penitence deservesonly a glimpse; & our h &, looking into our hearts, & finding what isnot pleasing to him there, he corrects us thus. The nightsare now full of wind & rainy & windy: the old trees plunge & bend; &their dishevelled & dishonoured leaves, sta fly helterskelter until thethey lieall over the lawn, & up the bank, & packed damply in gutters, &rainpipes, they lie pocked & stamped, & with their pock marks onthem, & their & dissolve. The sea, then eq equally too,also, the sea plunges & tosses & breaks itself, until colthe for colour there is mud black with aAlso the sea tosses & breaks itself f As for the Then indeedThe vertical line extending through 'Then' and reaching to or through 'possible' appears to be a cancellation but it is not clearly so. [Shillingsburg, P.]when the nig autumn is far advanced, it is again possiblesleeperto attempt f & should any escaped soul, anydreamer, whofancies that in sleep he has grasped the hand of the sharer,walk the edge of the sea, no image will readilydivinely prompt to tame chain the night & sea to servicewill readily come to hand; maps will all survey ruin, &then damp. discomfort.The dots after these two words are slightly out of place and could be stray marks. Or they could have indicated temporarily the end of the sentence, 'damp' changing from noun to adjective with the addition of 'discomfort', etc. [Shillingsburg, P.] the & fear will drive thecraven to sleep again & forgetfulness.Then indeedwhen autumn is far advanced it is again possible toattempt.