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14927April 30th1926Part Two.I.It grew darker. Clouds covered the moon, & in the early hoursof the morning the a light rain drummed on the roof, &starlight moon light, or the lights at sea seemed put out. What Nothingcould withstand the flood, & the profusion, the downpouring ofcreptthis immense darkness; which seemed like a flood let in at keyholescrv crevices & stealing round the window blinds, cametrickling in at the bedrooms & sitting rooms, &doors of swallowed up here the glint white of china &there the flower, the sharp edged furniture.Wheneverything was confused & confounded, there was scarcelyany identity left, either of bodies or of thoughts, & onlyFrom the many brains sleeping, & bodies lying, either in thecrampedrigid attitudes of the old, or in flungalmost passively therein the crease of the bed, themselves creased with the habitualbe stoopings & movings of many years, there or easilylying, scarcely covered, like children in the first years of life.As if the least cover were too heavy, & the mattress monly upheld them an & cradled them, nothing but dreams& confused thoughts & broken lights like the the flash &glitter the bright strange effervescence of bubbles risingfrom deep water, which burst when they reach the surface,keeping, now one hand was a hand was raised, or athroughas if to clutch at something, or to ward off something, & nowthe anguish of life, its concealed pain, & the misery which isforbidden to cry out b for comfort, [?] parted the lips ofbodythe sleepers; or so now & then, some one laughed; orin the eager tones of the childlike happiness had talked