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17all celebrating a festival, tenderlycurious sense of celebrating an rising in her of festivity, at once wild &lywild & freakishly & tender, as if she being a married woman, & amother, she was laughing while she cl celebrated, there as ifthere two emotionscollided in her, one profound - forwhat could bemore serious than this - the love of man for woman - what more&commanding, impressive,? & ?the bearing in it the seeds ofdeath & tragedy: at the same time,something sportive - something& yet at the sametime these ?loverthese peopleentering intoillusion,must be danced ?roundwith mockery& decoratedwithgarlands offlowerslovers, those entering intosuffering illusion, those glittering-eyed,whom she would have topack off together for their walks theirtalks, & perhaps devote onesittingroom entirely to, themthese she these she&mocked, decorated, hung garlands round, as&with garlands of laughter, must be"It is a triumph" said William Bankes - It was delicious: it wasrealrich; it was tender; it wasthoughtful cooking with skill & taste in it, notupmerely servinglumps of meat up roast browned over.How did she manage these things in the depths of the country?he asked her?She was a wonderful woman - he thoughtreceiptisIt was a French dish", said Mrs. Ramsay. She wasagreedShe felt with Mr. Bankes, that what passes for cookery inEngland is simply an abomination. It is puttingcabbage in water. It is Then you throw away the water whichIt is Stews, rice puddings - "which can be d so delicious in France -all this tastes like leather & sawdust in England. After years &years she had Roasting meat till it like shoe leather. Cutting?Stewedoff the delicious skins of vegetables.Every sin Boiling, stewing,so wasteful tooroasting, never anything else:& so wasteful that a French familycancould easily live, on what an English cook throws away.Upon all this they were entirely agreed: so strangely