258299She did not deny for a moment that he had a brain.P Paul Rayley had none.How be sure, she wondered, of anybody?And then the interpretations one wild leaps one made, there meaning one attached to some negligible gesture -a pause, a tone of voice; some little phrase which was spoken withoutany consciousness that it was the very lifted a curtain &it wasit was an extraordinary revelation: & then theit would be treasured & used & kept perpetually: the glimpses oneof theusesit wouldbe puttohad; & the ?hours of barrenness; & the moments of dissatisfaction;& the compulsion none the less to be forever in some relation,to keep close to ones kind; the stress that was laid on them all to beallsome atact that wasperfectionforever striving after something, were it a sinless state, arepublic, or a picture such as she imagined; but what?Here arepublic without war or crime: here the abolition of capitalpunishment; a philosophy;& their attempts at union& their flying apart again; & then it was all queer enough& the same sometimes ofcome to think of it & &the wonder, which with years grew ratherthan diminished at thelife passed& the extraordinary silence in which the day went by, the rare, thediminishing, silence surroun separating one from another,& the ignorance & the narrow bounds that were& the twist, given, rightly or wrongly, to the whole fabric& how in an instant one divined what& the glimpses one had - oh it was wonderful enough, whateverit wasw enough tobe setones fortune, to be set down, here or in the midsthere, & even in the solitude of herin the midst of all this; &even in her spec solitude she could call back