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17885Then the long night seemed to have set in; the final triumphof the little airs; the clammy breath, to be was at hand.Soon some thistle would be thrusting its head between the tiles inthe larder; & the swallows who had nested yearly in thewould come in through the broken window & nest in the drawing room,& the floor would be strewn with straws & the plasterwould fall, & rats carry off this & that behind wainscot, &butterflies pass through the rooms at will, & when& dislodging it:a shovelfull ofthen while outside in the garden poppie wild poppieswould sow themselves among the dahlias, & cornflowers, &the grass would wave & the lawn would be wavehollows filled& banksraisedlongwith grass, & the tapp hollows beds be grown over,seats curved across with bramble sprays, suddenbeauty flower in the midst of chaos - a rare rose, or afine carnation, [?] while the gentle tapping of a weed orwdtwo at the window pane now became on winter nights ala batt a drumming a battering from stout thickthorny stout trees that had rooted themselves, or creepersthat had grown thick & clasped the walls.could prevailtheWhat power against all this fertility & insensibilityof nature? Old Maggie's dream, her dim telescope vision of alady in a grey cloak stooping over her flowers[?]Possibly originally a comma turned into a question mark. Or if not a question mark, perhaps it is an indication of where the marginal text goes. [Shillingsburg, P.] hadButflickeringThe 'ing' is written over the original 'ed' of 'flickered'. [Shillingsburg, P.] about the bedroom for a moment; but vanished.watchers & preachers, Though the lighthouse came & went again,the sudden scrutiny - its long look & the, sharply following,its two quick glances, met nothing in t thatseemed perfectly satisfied with what they saw.As for the watchers, the preachers, the souls who whohad those spirits who, in sleep, had left their bodies, & dreamedof some communion, of grasping the hand of a sharer, [?]&completing,Literally, there is no 'l' but 'competing' makes no sense. See 'incomplete' on the next line. [Shillingsburg, P.] down on the beach, the from the sky or the seathe cliff, on the the [?]fu fullness that was incomplete, theafter