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14213for they neither of them slept well. They were excitable children, &Charles Tansley - she instantly saw him in his & thought thathehadshe hadactually knocked over a pile of books which werehe had picked them up?on his little writing table in the window; & undid his collar, yes,at his tablefor then sat down, rather grimly, [?], poor young man; hepoor young man towork as usualwhenall the others wereenjoyingthemselveshad not succeeded in impressing himself upon anybody atdinner, beside his candles, he & said to himself felt verylonely & really, if she could have thought of an excuse for going tohim she would have done so. but He looked& she would have gone into him, but rem reflecting, with one half ofher brain that this was her invention - he had not knockedthatallover his books - she next it was her invention - shereproached herself for thought herself silly for exaggerating asusual, reflected that no power on earth could giveafter all help him to acquire those graces which were soattractive in Paul Rayley, & heaven pro had provided asubstitute in moral philosophy or John Stuart Millso that all things considered it might be better to leave him.Yet she would see that he was better treated tomorrow,yet she would feel relieved when he went, yet he was very goodwith her husband,yet his manners certainly wanted improving,observing too that now she could see the moon itself, &through the staircase window, - the shadowy dinted muchdinted moon - she turned from all this to the very nextmoment - Prue & Andrew, Paul & Minta, all opening doors &coming out into the hall; muffled.Looking Coming down stairs, looking out of the window,then turning & at once Prue saw her mother & felt atagain theyonce two things - that how she was a child,& she had beenfeeling extremely old; how that was the crown &grace of life, her mother coming down stairs, & they allknew it. Yes; Minta should look at her; Paul should look at her: