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287He was not going to talk the rot these people wanted him to talk."One never gets anything worth having by the post - unless thehe got hisExcept that he liked her rather. Mrs. Ramsay. But what did they want of him.Small talk?No going to the Lighthouse tomorrow, I'm afraid, Mrs. Ramsay" he said.& that nothing else much matters.Joyous in the elation wh this thought gave her,What did they want of him then?Tansley asked himself, turning inWhat did Rams -he cld.YesHe wanted to saysomething the right sort of things to MissBriscoe: something not quite serious: not merely straightIt willout in so manywords"It will be rough": somethingmoreHe wanted to say the sort of thing CharlesPa Rayley said to women.He was quite willing toflirt with women.He wd have liked to be given a chance to show what he could do