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283"Yes. Take it away" said Mrs. Ramsay, briefly.ForIt must have been twenty years ago that or almost, thatshe had stayed withthe Careys;& William Bankes had actuallyheard from her:& she had wasstillliving at Brimpton; &everything was still?juthe same?Oh she could remember itas if it were yesterday.She could remember a picnic on abank. It was one of those chilly April days when most peopleprefer to stay in doors. The Careys, however, once they made aplan, stuck to it.There was It was very very cold. HebeCh Ellen was then alive. And - Yes, she could rememberstoleeverything; & it seemed to Mrs. Ramsay seemed to glide like aghost in between the chairs & tables of that ho drawingroomon the banks of the Thames; where Ellen who had been her friend,sat - what was she doing? doing something forwith heryet[?] of a certainshe seemed tomalicebe laughing; silent, frie friendly,malicious; a ghost they couldnot see; & perhaps inthe flesh they would never meetagain; orthebut once it was a luxury& the solace of growing old that thebut to visit the like this, was the delight of growing old: totalk of people one had known; & things one had done; &sentimental perhaps.That is to say, when if to know[?] & tende with tenderness mixing in hwhat had become of them all.Her amusement wasShewalkedagainperhaps they would meet again; but stillthetempered with tenderness:for what reason? SheBut as William Bankes had actually heard from Annehe feltCarey himself, he what he felt noth none of this chareoddity about them.Why "They were building a new boathouse" he saidHe did not feel, as Mrs Ramsayfelt, that it was impossible thatThat seemed toMrs. Ramsay almost out of the question.How couldwerethey beactually building a boathouse? Who would use it?After all, Mr. Bankes said,It seemed to her so odd.And William would actually see Ellen Anne Carey?He was arrangingto stay with them in October, saidWilliam Bankes