187 VIIIwas whether it would not be better without the wa corner of the wallHe was standingherHe was examining Lilyspicture with detachment. She saw himaAl She winced like a whippeddog. who sees a hand raisedback [?] stiffenraiseslightly?his head280041100168017,900to strike it. Here was She wantedto snatch her pictureon itsoff the easel & throw it, face downwards, in the grass.But as a soldier has to brace himself to rise stand firm ?heupagainstthe bullets, so she, too, resolved to abide this awful trial: thatMr. Bankes was looking at her picture. She had exposedto theworld something which that another person should see what shehad stated there, & pronounce had concocted & stated; what washad been in her mind as a baby,& what wasthe residue ofsomething mysterioustheall her thirty three years; thedeposit of each day,ButHe was puzzledby the triangular shadow on the left, he said.That was Mrs. Ramsayreading to James, she said.She had foreseen the objection.about - that it wasthere was no attempt at a likenessof them. It was for thesake of the composition that she wished to ha a shadow?Bshe explained.Mr. Bankes had not And Mr. Bankesoutraged as he was - for mother & child were to himthe most objects of veneration - showed patientlypatiently &stood there (she felt an extraordinary gratitude to him, relief&relief, for here was & freedom stealing over her,& sudden exaltation at being able to discuss the matterimpersonally, without question of sex, & he was not goingforto say to her No woman canpaint; he was like a priest in his?scientist)& she said to him told him how she felt thatwith that line there, you must have a shadow there.He was was interested in the idea that mother &children might be reduced to shadows in a picture withoutirreverence.He was All hisAll hH is interests itis true, wereon the opposite side. At his house inKnightsbridgethe picture he remembered best was alack of the [?pain]sexualpassion;vindictiveness.