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155to be turned from the room - "Mrs. Ramsay & I want to have a littletalk together." & done in a way which made Mrs. Ramsay feel ?howwhat innumerable insults lay behind it, miseries for himlay behind it; - as if he ?were not not fit to be there - as if thewereAnd always now, he shrank from her. Butpoor old manwhat more could she have done? There was the a sunnyroom given up to him. Never did she show him the leastsign of not wanting him. Yet She went out of her way, indeed,to be kind, to be friendly - And after all - after all,Mrs. Ramsay felt, she had not to generally any difficulty in?making her friends - Mr. Manning, George Wallace - feelat their ease. She had did indeed know in herhappy with herShe bore about with her, she carried erect into anytheroom she entered, thatbeauty, that flame which wasthe the torch of her beauty; & after all, after all -veil it as she might & even shrink from themonotony of bearing it imposed on her -always to be admired was foolish to her thinking,Still, she had been admired. She had been loved. Shehad entered rooms where mourners sat solitary. Tears,had flown in her presence. Men, & women too, letting goof all that little silly the multiplicity of things - thefuss, & the ceremony, & all that fetters & frets, -?distorts - had allowed themselves with her thatextraordinary relief of simplicity. It now injured herthat Mr. Carmichael should shrink. It hurt her.And yet, not cleanly, rightly. No. She hadThat was what she minded - coming asit did on top of herdiscontent with her husband - she minded thesense she had now, when Mr. Carmichaelshuffledpast with the Spectator beneath his arm, inhis old flapping wide awake, that she was[?the]