171714in thespringNow again the wind breathed in the house, flies buzzed round in thewindswarm yellow spot of sunshine, & there could be heard,weedstapping the window pane, long grasses, stray wild flowers,which had grown close to the glass in the night.When darkness fell, the stroke of the lighthouse which hadlaid itself with authority upon the carpet when the nightswere dark came mixed with moonlight gliding gently &stealthily as if it laid its caress/ & lingered & looked & went &came lovingly again. ...on the emptybedThe curved tooth on the lower jaw of the skull was unc laid bare;& then the strea shawl, which now hung down like a streamer,waved gently this way & that, throughout the short springnights & the silver robed by the moon & the lighthouse, &the long summer days when all the empty rooms seemedto hum with murmur with the with the echoes[?]There is no 'c' in echoes but no other word seems possible. [Shillingsburg, P.] of thefields & the hum of flies, & the the [?]li light sosun so barred & striped the rooms, th so filledthem with a liquid yellow that Mrs MacNab, when shehazycame to dust, looked like a tropical fish, oaringher w its way through the sun-lanced water sea.Up rose the bookcases like rocks; the tables floated like islands;amongstrange corals & crystals. glowed & twinkled on theBut slumber though it might without apparent change throughran for a as the there came later in the summer ominoussounds which, thuds, rumbles, like regular thunderregularly repeated, which with their repeated shocks stillfurther loosened the shawl & distu helped the wind & thedamp sea air at their insidious task. [to nibble, to undo, to[?]dull, [?] & tarnish & slowly eat away the house a]in their work of disintegrated. destruction. Once in aNow & again the some glass actually tinkled as if itlike therepeated blow of aheavyA mark through the 'y' of 'heavy' may be meant to cancel the whole word. [Shillingsburg, P.] hammerora [?] thicksubstancea