16559whose existence was ignored who was nothing but a mat forkings & kaisers to tread on, who would indeed stand patiently in thestreets to see the kings go riding by, & whose sugar & tea were nowcut cut down by their passions & reduced at their command,about to bepasses any sort of an that of theAn incomprehensible symbol that could be 'n' appears below the line following the word 'here'. [Shillingsburg, P.]understanding. Unless it be grantedthat the crazed, & the mystic, & the visionary have access toare possessed at long intervals it may be of compensation: thewind in the West,Compare 'gift to take' at page 166, line 6. [Shillingsburg, P.] & the breeze sun upon the clouds. If theyfind in them absolute good, an extra lump of sugar more of lessmatters nothing. They are warm in the frotst, & havecomforts in the desert. Only Mrs. MacNab was not of these;she had been drunk in her day, & of her six children, two, it wassaid were not by her husband; she had lived, she had loved, inshort, & if consolation came to her it was of somewarmer, subtler kind. Perhaps she had an open heart, aloving heart, & thus if she asked charity (her caretakingwas given her to help her) rather than she returned it bythus