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138Uniform Edition[?]174 - 197 191 In Leonard Woolf's hand& perhaps, feeling,when she went,how they missed it.that firm swift secret secret decided way, Not that she was in factdidrun or hurry upstairs;She felt, rather, inclined just for amoment, to shed, as it to stand still, after all thatonechattering, & pick out whatever it was some single thing:the fact that Paul & Minta were engaged; to detach it,separate it off; clean it of all the emotions & follies; & sohold it before her; bring it to the tribunal where, rangedabout in conclave sat the judges she had set up in her todecide these things. Is it good, bad, right wrong? Am Ijustified? Where does this all tend? & so on, rightingherself after the shock of the event; & quite incongruously,using the branches of the elm trees outside asto stabilise her position. ?All must be in order.She must get that right, & that right, she thought, ?as ?ifinsensibly approving of the dignity, ?of the tranquility, &now again of the very ?beautily upward fling of theelm branches, as the wind r wind raised them.SoFor it was windy.