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205completely, rapturously happy, like those heavenly children, whohave her waymustwould grow up & lose it all?If she couldarrange it, James &Cam should always remain like this - sitting beside her, listening tothe story of the woodman's daughter. Indeed, she She would like alwaysto have a baby: though indeed she had no right to have hadhow muchit meanteight, considering that it meant a good deal of anxiety - how to ggiving all the boys a proper education - & there was thegreenhouse roof that wanted mending; & it meant that hehad to make some money every year to supplement their income;though she was resolved that he should never desert hishave to give up his own [?] special work, his philosophy - thathowever hardthey were pressedpursuit of the letter Z which still escaped him - As forherself, she For that was the most important of all things& she could manage somehow.Anyhow, Minta Doyle would miss the best thing in thewhole world if she had no children. Of that Mrs. Ramsaywas?onepositive. Argument was so silly - how could you argue?Sometimes she Anyone wilfully missing or putting aside forany reason that side of life was so pitia profoundly to be pitiedthat Mrs. Ramsay for one almost thought that the Statethe chanceof motherhoodshould make some arrangement by which every woman hadat least the opportunity - Only But sh there remainedof course something else - that relationship of man & womanwhich husband & wife. Minta was perfectly right to think it over.Nothing would induce Mrs. Ramsay to hurry her: she mustremind herself, she must curb herself, she must, whateverof thehappened, check that masterfulness which, she admittedwas in her, here; she must for once she had made amatch, & she had regretted it. It was one of the things she blamedherself forFor instance the [?] Parry Jacksons; it it hadwas in her,& had led herto makesomeveryhorrid[?mistakes]been an unhappy marriage; &she had helped, certainly, tomake it. Lily Nor could she altogetheracquit herself ofworldliness. He was so rich - had a greathome in Somerset.Could she have It was in her, that vicetoo: notvery profoundly; but she did enjoy, undoubtedly, a senseof world grandeur, at moments. 'But not - thank God -not