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15sathow sorry beside her, saying that he was sorry, awfully sorry, that they were late,did not deserve any food, & so on.But it wasNo sooner had he sat down than it seemed impossible thatthat she should not know knew what had happened to him; how, since lunch,such a thing had happened; he a thing had happened; which& ithe was changed; allwas her doing; yet "We"A flower we found on the cliff" he said, takingWe had to ?look go went back to look for Minta'sreallywhherMinta's brooch," he said, &reallyas he saidthat was quite enough; ashis tremor overby the wayfor Mrs. Ramsay to knew then;"we" went back; & thenit cost him to saythe little effort the little hesitation in saying Minta; sheknew then for certain, & having & by the especially by that'we' which, she thought will is the first time I have heard himsay it, & it seemed to her extremely moving on his lips "we",that they were nowwhen it implied, as she knew it did, a a lifetimetogether, for life,&&?implied his care, his suffering -She knew then [?] exactly whatspeakhad happened, & how he could scarcelykeep his eyes offMinta, or & how the table lights glitteredin his eyes; & howhoweverybody seemed to him a little unreal; &an immensegratitude filled his heart.But she must help themBut from theA fragrance rose from the greatpeering into the ?greatbrown dish;But twisting & steamingan exquisite scent ofolives & oil & juice rose from the great brown dish; &she peered into it & & she must help them, ?considering that aspecial portion should be kep given her to William Bankes;Nobody would believe how much thought had gone to that dishIt had been stewed for three days & she thought as she peered into theIt dish, with its shiny walls, & its confusion of savoury brown& yellowsweetness & slabsin which were bayleaves & port, lying at thebottom,this will celebrate the day, this wis theI'm glad we had this for the great day,some irresponsibility