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88 TO THE LIGHTHOUSEholding her hand against the sun, and so broughtdarkness and desolation, like God himself, to mil-lions of ignorant and innocent creatures, and thentook her hand away suddenly and let the sun streamdown. Out on the pale criss-crossed sand, high-stepping, fringed, gauntletted, stalked some fantasticleviathan (she was still enlarging the pool), andslipped into the vast fissures of the mountain-side.And then, letting her eyes slide imperceptibly abovethe pool and rest on that wavering line of sea andsky, on the tree trunks which the smoke of steamersmade waver upon the horizon, she became with allthat dower sweeping savagely in and inevitably with-drawing, hypnotized, and the two senses of that vast-ness and this tininess (the pool had diminished again)flowering within it made her feel that she was boundhand and foot and unable to move by the intensityof feelings which reduced her own body, her own life,and the lives of all the people in the world, for ever,to nothingness. So listening to the waves, crouchedover the pool, she brooded.
And Andrew shouted that the sea was coming in,so she leapt splashing through the shallow waves onto the shore and ran up the beach and was carried byher own impetuosity and her desire for rapid move-ment right behind a rock and there oh heavens! ineach others arms were Paul and Minta! kissingprobably. She was outraged, indignant. She andAndrew put on their shoes and stockings in deadsilence without saying a thing about it. Indeed theywere rather sharp with each other. She might havecalled him when she saw the crayfish or whatever itwas, Andrew grumbled. However, they both felt,