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THE LIGHTHOUSEflagging and hesitation the sails filled and,shrouded in profound silence, she watched theboat take its way with deliberation past the otherboats out to sea.
The sails flapped over their heads. The waterchuckled and slapped the sides of the boat, whichdrowsed motionless in the sun. Now and thenthe sails rippled with a little breeze in them, butthe ripple ran over them and ceased. The boatmade no motion at all. Mr. Ramsay sat in themiddle of the boat. He would be impatient in amoment, James thought, and Cam thought, looking at their rather, who sat in the middle of theboat between them (james steered; Cam sat alonein the bow) with his legs tightly curled. He hatedhanging about. Sure enough, after fidgeting asecond or two, he said something sharp toMacalister’s boy, who got out his oars and beganto row. But their father, they knew, would neverbe content until they were Hying along. Hewould keep looking for a breeze, fidgeting, sayingthings under his breath, which Macalister andMacalister’s boy would overhear, and they wouldboth be made horribly uncomfortable. He had
made them come. He had forced them to come.p In their anger they hoped that the breeze would2 5 1