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4.206141It was as if something sn snapped; a bramble flew back in her face;she was stung, shocked, yet exhilarated. So roughly hermeditations were broken short. & at once, with enormous reliefshe sawshe looked for the first time, at her canvas. It was as if itfloated up & placed itself for the first time, white & uncompromising,facing her, confronting her, before her, It certainly seemed torebukingrebuke her saying with its imper cold stare, to ?say intimatethat for all this hurry & agitation of feeling; to dry up herdrastically recalling her,?out it& at the same time to spread like the through her mind anto spread?pe ?& first an emptiness, when her disorderly sensationsastr trooped off the field; & then, peace. She looked blankly at thecan canvas; then at the garden. [In her hurry, she had pitched herpicture she wished to painteasel anyhow; without considering the angle nature of thea picturecomposition.] It was one she had attempted before - the wall, thewhite washed wall,edge of the house, the line of the head hedge; made For somereason, tThere was something in the heights & relations of ?those lines, in theircutting across,?falling ?thus ?down& all its softness& brilliancy of coloura contrast, a?contradiction& the mass, of the hedge which still had always stayed in her mindall these years. She had It had set her always seemed to herthatin such deposits of lines & colours, which when of exproblemas that - stayed there like a puzzle,coming to her mindwhich came to mind when she was from time to time,automatically - in London, or the Brompton Road, or before herlooking glass, when she was pretending to comb her hair. Now,But there was all the difference in the world between thisinvoluntary making of pictures in her minds eye, & actuallylaying her brush on them. Now was the disaster, the danger.She had taken the wrong brush in her agitation, & alsopitched her easel wrongly. She now adjusted the fixed the littlespikes firmly & precisely into the ground; & taking her stand,began raised her brush - a trembleding in a painful yet extremelywhich[?] ecstasy like a For the brush How to do it - thatexhilaratingthere was something there - Now & then,Her picture originated