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204137(3)But what a face, she thought, what an extraordinary face, &feeling her emot the sympathy which she had not been asked to givetroubling her to find expression; how What did he hadmade it like that? Thinking, mainly; night after nightshe supposed; about kitchen tables, she added, remembering thethe reality ofsymbol which in her vagueness, about the nature of phil philosophicthought as to what Mr. Ramsay did think about, had Andrew hadgiven her.Something visionary & austere; & something bare,hard, not ornamental. For His face There was no colour toitall edges & angles;this object, & it was uncompromisingly plain, yet in this?Mr.keptvery plainness & (Mr. Ramsay had his eyes fixed alwaysthis objectintently & ?fi upon this distant object, which upon it,never allowing himself to be deceived, or dis deluded,or holding on until even his face had wore thedistractedbecame worn ?or ?too & ascetic, & partook of thisunornamented beauty & impressed itself on her aswas, now & then, which so deeply impressed her. And then,worries; they had fretted it, not so nobly. Sometimes it seemed toforher that sometimes his he had suspected that there washe had had his doubts about this table; whether it was the true one,perhaps, or the only one, or whether a it was worth the time he gave to it-He had had doubts, she felt, & that was what sometimes theytalked about - Mr. & Mrs. Ramsay - till late at night, & thenMrs. Ramsay looked tired, & then she Lily flew into a ragewith him. And now he had nobody to say [?] tell himshe suspectedthat the table was there & he had found it; so thathe was like a lion seeking whom he could devour, & hisface had that touch of desperation in it, of exaggeration,whichalarmed her, & made her pull her skirts about her, & thenhis face had too to crown it. an something very simple, very