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25which leaping from tuft to tuft of furze, her children laughed; her husbandlaughed; she was laughed at, fire-encircled, & forced to va vail hercrest, dismount her batteries & only retaliate by displaying the railleryam ridicule of the table to Mr. Bankes as the an example ofwhat one suffered attacking the prejudices of the Britishpublic.sheConveniently, for she had it on her mind that Lilywas out of things,exempted her, & from the rest; claimed her an adherent; &so drew her in,. thatcharming old maid, as Mr. Ramsay calledcCharming as she was, & exquisite in her own way too, with hersa little puckered up face & Chinese eyes,] She was out of things, Mrs.Ramsay felt; so was Charles Tansley; both suffered fromcomparison with the glow of the other two. Both were aware of it,she felt; while it made Charles Tansley disagreeable, - quitenaturally, it depressed her poor little Brisk, she was all onpoor fellowpins & needles.No woman would look at him with Paul Rayleyin the room.there.With Lily it wasdifferent.She faded; became more &more inconspicuous than ever.Yet, thought Mrs. Ramsay ascharming as she waswith herlittle puckeredface & Chineseeyes.she claimed her help, in (for Lily should bear her out thatshe had not talkedaboutbutter & milk for at least three days;)she is of the twoLily will wear better.For there was ina little flare ofLily a sort of thread of something; an angularity. a cha quality of character which in her spite of everything Mrs.Ramsay could not liked, respected; though no man would.Obviously not.Unless it were an od older man, likeWilliam Bankes.But then he cared, well, Mrs.Ramsay thought sometimesthat he cared, now that his wife wasdead, more than any one for her.