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223It distressed him; it saddened him, Mr. Ramsay thought, passing a secondthe spasms oftime. He could not save her; he could not protect her not evenfrom his own miserable irritability. He had beenannoyed foolishly irritatedaboutthe LighthouseBut then if his house was made absolutelyintolerableto him by thehecd. not helpshowing itpresence of Bankes & that young woman, Lily Briscoe, atevery corner, But it He became absorbed in his ownthoughts. He had this thesehislectures to write. "And Hume,grown very fat stuck in a bog & an old woman rescued himon condition he said the Lord's Prayer" -He drew up& snorting a queer snort of laughter, beside the window, wantingHe wanted to ask her his wife if he could tell that story atCardiff.But But as even Lily Briscoe allowed, inher w those moment of violent irritation with Mr. Ramsaywhich, occurring at breakfast for example, when hebehaved with more than usual blindness to the feelings ofothers, when he was more than usually bleak, cutting &disagreeable - so that her egg spoon trembled in her hand, &she flushed with anger - if she, & even she, at thatmoment had to admit (if directly she looked up) thathe was there was a scrupulosity about him: he neverdevoured [?downed] you; over came your privacy: but on the contrary, had some sort ofeven in perfect manners; not politeness; but integritybreeding (only it was difficult to find words for what shemeant, save that she could have gone to him for in acrisis - say, if she wished to become a Roman Catholic )so now,& he would have respected her personality -) but, thoughthough he wished to speak to her, his wife he did notlike to interrupt her.He could not protect her, alas. Andit was Mrs. Ramsaywho looked at him; Mrs. Ramsay whoselips parted; as sheresumed her knitting & Mrs.Ramsay who returned, &to him, & resumed intercourse with him