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161he approvednodded:However he did not stop long; he looked, he acquiesced he returned,slippedhe slid, seeing the yew hedge before him which had over & over againrounded some ?pause, & the urns with the geraniums in them -?he which had decorated moments of waking; he returned againmood wh. speculationhe slipped into that mood something in the Times had put into his headof asking about Shakespeare - [?] & Shakespeare's position in the world:whether that is to say if Shakespeare had never existed the world wouldhave differed very much from what it is today - Whether, then, theprogress of civilisation depends upon great men; whetherthe lot of the average human being is much better now than itwas in the time of the Pharohs?& again, what exact relation theare theyarts bear to human lifewhether they are the expression of theanordo theythey the expression do they express it,merely serve to decorate it?Fishermen,However all this may be, [Mr. Ramsay wasfarthe ultimate problems remain asbeyond the reach of human reasonas ever] & Mr. Ramsay liked explored these ideas ?suchput an immense had at his command considerable knowledge, &a familiarity with the avenues & lanes of this world,?to ?himwhich [?ful/?feel] which made his progress rather like that of a manwhether theaverage humanbeing.civilisation cantake intoaccount theshd.belot of theaveragehumanbeing,or by that of hisexceptional?personthe problem ofequality -Mr.Ramsaywho reaches from his horse to pick a bunch of nuts, orstuff his pockets with wild roses as he ambles at hisease through the lanes & fields of a country which isfamnot only known to him from boyhood, & loved, & - however allthis may be, now comes, - & here Mr. Ramsay having reachedthe some fa turn on the road, where many a time, in thefalling light, or by the pallor of the stars, he haddismounted, tied his horse to a tree, & gone on proceeded on footalone to a little spit of land, surrounded by the sea,once again, dismounted - however all this may be,face& proceeded to ask himself put to himself thatother question fact - which is that the problem of humanexistence remains insoluble: we knownothing; we nevernothing, saidour ignorance is complete,shall know anything & no solution of theWe know