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THE LIGHTHOUsEman who had gone past her silently, holding abrown paper parcel under his arm? The boatwas in the middle of the bay.
They don’t feel a thing there, Cam thought,looking at the shore, which, rising and falling,became steadily more distant and more peaceful.Her hand cut a trail in the sea, as her mindmade the green swirls and streaks into patternsand, numbed and shrouded, wandered in imagination in that underworld of waters where the pearlsstuck in clusters to white sprays, where in thegreen light a change came over one’s entire mindand one’s body shone half transparent envelopedin a green cloak.
Then the eddy slackened round her hand.The rush of the water ceased; the world becamefull of little creaking and squeaking sounds. Oneheard the waves breaking and flapping againstthe side of the boat as if they were anchored inharbour. Everything became very close to one.For the sail, upon which James had his eyes fixeduntil it had become to him like a person whomhe knew, sagged entirely; there they came to astop, flapping about waiting for a breeze,.in thehot sun, miles from shore, miles from the Light281