To THE LIGHTHOUSEchairs, tables, maps, were hers, were theirs, it didnot matter whose, and Paul and Minta wouldcarry it on when she was dead.
She turned the handle, firmly, lest it shouldsqueak, and went in, pursing her lips slightly, asif to remind herself that she must not speak aloud.But directly she came in she saw, with annoyance,that the precaution was not needed. The childrenwere not asleep. It·was most annoying. Mildredshould be more careful. There was James wideawake and Cam sitting bolt upright, and Mildredout of bed in her bare feet, and it was almosteleven and they were all talking. What was thematter? It was that horrid skull again. She hadtold Mildred to move it, but Mildred, of course,had forgotten, and now there was Cam wideawake and james wide awake quarrelling whenthey ought to have been asleep hours ago. Whathad possessed Edward to send them this horridskull? She had been so foolish as to let them nailit up there. It was nailed fast, Mildred said, andCam couldn’t go to sleep with it in the room, andJames screamed if she touched it.
Then Cam must go to sleep (it had great hornssaid Cam—) must go to sleep and dream of lovelypalaces, said Mrs. Ramsay, sitting down on thebed by her side. . She could see the horns, Camsaid, all over the room. It was true. Wherever176