TO THE LIGHTHOUSEwaves on to the shore and ran up the beachand was carried by her own impetuosity and herdesire for rapid movement right behind a rockand there oh heavens! in each others arms werePaul and Minta! kissing probably. She wasoutraged, indignant. She and Andrew put ontheir shoes and stockings in dead silence withoutsaying a thing about it. Indeed they were rathersharp with each other. She might have called himwhen she saw the crayfish or whatever it was,Andrew grumbled. However, they both felt, it’snot our fault. They had not wanted this horrid | Vnuisance to happen. All the same it irritatedAndrew that Nancy should be a woman, and Nancythat Andrew should be a man and they tied theirshoes very neatly and drew the bows rather tight.
lt was not until they had climbed right up on tothe top of the cliH*` again that Minta cried out thatshe had lost her grandmother’s brooch——hergrandm0ther’s brooch, the sole ornament shepossessed——a weeping willow, it was (they mustremember it) set in pearls. They must have seenit, she said, with the tears running down hercheeks, the brooch which her grandmother hadfastened her cap with till the last day of her life.Now she had lost it. She would rather have lostanything than that! She would go back and lookfor it. They all went back. They poked and120