TO THE LIGHTHOUSEover, did he not rather like this vagueness in women?It was part of their extraordinary charm. I willmake her smile at me, he thought. She looksfrightened. She was so silent. He clutched his fingers,and determined that his voice and his face and allthe quick expressive gestures which had been at hiscommand making people pity him and praise himall these years should subdue themselves. He wouldmake her smile at him. He would find some simpleeasy thing to say to her. But what? For, wrapped upin his work as he was, he forgot the sort of thingone said. There was a puppy. They had a puppy.Who was looking after the puppy today? he asked.Yes, thought James pitilessly, seeing his sister’shead against the sail, now she will give way. I shallbe left to fight the tyrant alone. The compact wouldbe left to him to carry out. Cam would never resisttyranny to the death, he thought grimly, watchingher face, sad, sulky, yielding. And as sometimeshappens when a cloud falls on a green hillside andgravity descends and there among all the surround-ing hills is gloom and sorrow, and it seems as if thehills themselves must ponder the fate of the clouded,the darkened, either in pity, or maliciously rejoic-ing in her dismay: so Cam now felt herself overcast,as she sat there among calm, resolute people andwondered how to answer her father about the250