THE WINDOWfeeling what an extraordinary stroke of fortune itwas for her, to have her, and how she would nevergrow up and never leave home, she said, like achild, "We thought of going down to the beach towatch the waves."Instantly, for no reason at all, Mrs. Ramsaybecame like a girl of twenty, full of gaiety. A moodof revelry suddenly took possession of her. Ofcourse they must go; of course they must go, shecried, laughing; and running down the last three orfour steps quickly, she began turning from one tothe other and laughing and drawing Minta's wrapround her and saying she only wished she couldcome too, and would they be very late, and hadany of them got a watch?"Yes, Paul has," said Minta. Paul slipped a beau-tiful gold watch out of a little wash-leather caseto show her. And as he held it in the palm of hishand before her, he felt, "She knows all about it.I need not say anything." He was saying to her ashe showed her the watch, "I've done it, Mrs. Ram-say. I owe it all to you." And seeing the gold watchlying in his hand, Mrs. Ramsay felt, How extraor-dinarily lucky Minta is! She is marrying a manwho has a gold watch in a wash-leather bag!"How I wish I could come with you!" she cried.But she was withheld by something so strong that175