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THE WINDOWthis point and that." The tide was coming in fast.The sea would cover the place where they had sat ina minute. There was not a ghost of a chance of theirfinding it now. "We shall be cut off!" Mintashrieked, suddenly terrified. As if there were anydanger of that! It was the same as the bulls allover again—she had no control over her emotions,Andrew thought. Women hadn’t. The wretched Paulhad to pacify her. The men (Andrew and Paul atonce became manly, and different from usual) tookcounsel briefly and decided that they would plantRayley’s stick where they had sat and come backat low tide again. There was nothing more that couldbe done now. If the brooch was there, it would stillbe there in the morning, they assured her, but Mintastill sobbed, all the way up to the top of the cliff.It was her grandmother’s brooch; she would ratherhave lost anything but that, and yet Nancy felt, itmight be true that she minded losing her brooch, butshe wasn’t crying only for that. She was crying forsomething else. We might all sit down and cry, shefelt. But she did not know what for.
They drew ahead together, Paul and Minta, andhe comforted her, and said how famous he was forfinding things. Once when he was a little boy he hadfound a gold watch. He would get up at daybreakand he was positive he would find it. It seemed to117