It was not until they had climbed right up on tothe top of the cliff again that Minta cried out thatshe had lost her grandmother’s brooch—her grand-mother’s brooch, the sole ornament she possessed—a weeping willow, it was (they must remember it)set in pearls. They must have seen it, she said, withthe tears running down her cheeks, the brooch whichher grandmother had fastened her cap with till thelast day of her life. Now she had lost it. She wouldrather have lost anything than that! She would goback and look for it. They all went back. Theypoked and peered and looked. They kept their headsvery low, and said things shortly and gruffly. PaulRayley searched like a madman all about the rockwhere they had been sitting. All this pother about abrooch really didn’t do at all, Andrew thought, asPaul told him to make a "thorough search between116