THE WINDOWcape for her too, to say that people must marry;people must have children.Was she wrong in this, she asked herself, re-viewing her conduct for the past week or two, andwondering if she had indeed put any pressure uponMinta, who was only twenty-four, to make up hermind. She was uneasy. Had she not laughed aboutit? Was she not forgetting again how strongly sheinfluenced people? Marriage needed—oh, all sorts ofqualities (the bill for the greenhouse would be fiftypounds); one—she need not name it—that wasessential; the thing she had with her husband. Hadthey that?"Then he put on his trousers and ran away likea madman," she read. "But outside a great stormwas raging and blowing so hard that he couldscarcely keep his feet; houses and trees toppledover, the mountains trembled, rocks rolled into thesea, the sky was pitch black, and it thundered andlightened, and the sea came in with black waves ashigh as church towers and mountains, and all withwhite foam at the top."She turned the page; there were only a few linesmore, so that she would finish the story, though itwas past bed-time. It was getting late. The light inthe garden told her that; and the whitening of theflowers and something grey in the leaves conspired93