THE WINDOWper. Mrs. Ramsay gave him what he asked tooeasily. Then the change must be so upsetting, Lilysaid. He comes in from his books and finds us allplaying games and talking nonsense. Imagine whata change from the things he thinks about, she said.He was bearing down upon them. Now he stoppeddead and stood looking in silence at the sea. Nowhe had turned away again.IXYes, Mr. Bankes said, watching him go. It was athousand pities. (Lily had said something about hisfrightening her—he changed from one mood toanother so suddenly.) Yes, said Mr. Bankes, it wasa thousand pities that Ramsay could not behave alittle more like other people. (For he liked LilyBriscoe; he could discuss Ramsay with her quiteopenly.) It was for that reason, he said, that theyoung don’t read Carlyle. A crusty old grumblerwho lost his temper if the porridge was cold, whyshould he preach to us? was what Mr. Bankes un-derstood that young people said nowadays. It wasa thousand pities if you thought, as he did, thatCarlyle was one of the great teachers of mankind.Lily was ashamed to say that she had not readCarlyle since she was at school. But in her opinion71