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TO THE LIGHTHOUSEhimself wanted to say it, for hehisfatherUnknown hand: Black pen boxes and cancels entire passage. —andyroowelchstood verystraight and very stiff, facing that dismal group ofpeople; onecould not help admiring him; andliking him;[%]Unknown hand: Black pen boxes and cancels entire passage. —andyroowelchas hestood there doggedly stickingit out about Godand being brave. So that some-times James would have liked to say it himself;how he admired him; what a brain he had; andwould have done so, only his father found himonce with a book of his and sneered at him for“it wasn't the kind of thing to interest him,”[∧], /Unknown hand: Black pen boxes and cancels entire passage. —andyroowelchhesaid; whereupon James made a vow; he wouldnever praise his father as long as he lived.HB editor copied VW's alterations from second set of proofs: Black pen boxes and cancels entire passage.[%] HB editor copied VW's alterations from second set of proofs: Black pen boxes and cancels entire passage. —andyroowelchThere he sat with his hand on the tiller in thesun, staring at the Lighthouse, powerless to move,powerless to flick off these grains of misery whichsettled on his mind one after another. A ropeseemed to bind him there, and his father hadknotted it and he could only escape by taking aknife and plunging it. . . . But at that momentthe sail swung slowly round, filled slowly out, theboat seemed to shake herself awake,[%]and then tomove off half conscious in her sleep, and then shewoke and shot through the waves. The relief wasextraordinary. They all seemed to fall away fromeach other again and to be at their ease and thefishing-lines slanted taut across the side of theboat. But his father did not rouse himself. Heonly raised his right hand mysteriously high in290