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TO THE LIGHTHOUSEclouds going and the leaves shaking) was struckinto stability. Life stand still here, Mrs. Ramsaysaid. “Mrs. Ramsay! Mrs. Ramsay!" sherepeated. [∧]She owedit all toher. VW: Line lassoes marginal passage with line to caret. —peter.shillingsburg“I owe that to you.”

All was silence. Nobody seemed yet to bestirring in the house. She looked at it theresleeping in the early sunlight with its windowsgreen and blue with the reflected leaves. Thefaint thought she was thinking of Mrs. Ramsayseemed in consonance with this quiet house; thissmoke; this fine early morning air. Faint andunreal, it was amazingly pure and exciting. Shehoped nobody would open the window or comeout of the house, but that she might be left aloneto go on thinking, and[%]to go on painting. Sheturned to her canvas. But impelled by somecuriosity, driven by the discomfort of the sympathywhich she held undischarged, she walked a paceor so to the end of the lawn to see whether, downthere on the beach, she could see that littlecompany setting sail. Down there among thelittle boats which floated, some with their sailsfurled, some slowly, for it was very calm[∧The comma appears to do double duty before and after the insertion.,movingawaytherewas one rather apart from the others. The sailwas even now being hoisted,.S VW: Marginal “S” is double underlined. —peter.shillingsburgshe decided thatthere in that very distant an entirely silent littleboat Mr. Ramsay was sitting with Cam and James.Now they had got the sail up; now after a little250