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TO THE LIGHTHOUSEmust shut her eyes and go to sleep and dream ofmountains and valleys and stars falling and parrotsand antelopes and gardens, and everything lovely,she said, raising her head very slowly and speakingmore and more mechanically, until she sat uprightand saw that Cam was asleep.Now, she whispered, crossing over to his bed,James must go to sleep too, for see, she said, theboar’s skull was still there; HB: Pencil mark, possibly stray. they had not touchedit; they had done just what he wanted; it wasthere quite unhurt. He made sure that the skullwas still there under the shawl. But he wantedto ask her something more. Would they go tothe Lighthouse to-morrow?No, not to-morrow, she said, but soon, shepromised him; the next fine day. He was verygood. He lay down. She covered him up. Buthe would never forget, she knew, and she feltangry with Charles Tansley, with her husband,and with herself, for she had raised his hopes.Then feeling for her shawl and remembering thatshe had wrapped it round the boar’s skull, she gotup, and pulled the window down another inch ortwo, and heard the wind, and got a breath of theperfectly indifferent stillchillnight air and murmuredgood-night to Mildred and left the room and letthe tongue of the door slowly lengthen in the lockand went out.178