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TO THE LIGHTHOUSEmade the dresses; made everything; liked bestarranging tables, flowers, anything. She did notgal23like it that Jasper should shoot HB: pencil marker indicating galley 23 birds; but it wasonly [∧]a stage; they all went through stages. Why,she asked, pressing her chin on James’s head,should they grow up so fast? Why should theygo to school? She would have liked always tohave had a baby. She was happiest carrying onein her arms. Then people might say she wastyrannical, domineering, masterful, if they chose;she did not mind. And, touching his hair withher lips, she thought, he will never be so happyagain, but stopped herself, remembering how itangered her husband that she should say that.Still, it was true. They were happier now thanthey would ever be again. A tenpenny tea setmade Cam happy for days. She heard themstamping and crowing on the floor above her headthe moment they woke. They came bustlingalong the passage. Then the door sprang openand in they came, fresh as roses, staring, wideawake, as if this coming into the dining-roomafter breakfast, which they did every day of theirlives was a positive event to them, and so on, withone thing after another, all day long, until shewent up to say good-night to them, and foundthem netted in their cots like birds among cherriesand raspberries still making up stories about some94