THE WINDOWthe place, crediting the world with a power whichshe had not suspected—that one could talk aboutsuch things and[%]walk away down that long gallerynot alone anyThe marks above the “y” are on the torn chad from the verso. more but arm in arm with somebody—the strangest feeling in the world, and the mostexhilarating—she nicked the catch of her paint-box to, more firmly than was necessary, and thenick seemed to cut offsurroundVW: Line indicates point of insertion. —peter.shillingsburgin a circle [∧]for everVW: Line indicates point of insertion. —peter.shillingsburg[with a glow ofhappiness at her heart, which, like a spot ofsunlight, encircled] the paint-box, the lawn,Mr. Bankes, and that wild villain, Cam, dashingpast.10For Cam grazed the easel by an inch; shewould not stop for Mr. Bankes and Lily Briscoe;though Mr. Bankes, who would have liked adaughter of his own, held out his hand; she wouldnot stop for HB: Blue pencil mark possibly indicating page break in American edition. her father, whom she grazed also byan inch; nor for her mother, who called “Cam!I want you a moment!” as she dashed past. Shewas off like a bird, bullet, or arrow, impelled bywhat desire, shot by whom, at what directed, whocould say? What’s she after?[%], [∧]what?VW: Question mark following “after” is cancelled by implication; the marginal additions replace the actual cancellations. A line indicates point of insertion. —peter.shillingsburgMrs. Ramsaypondered, watching her. It might be a vision—the vision[%]of a shell, of a wheelbarrow, of a fairykingdom on the far side of the hedge; or it mightbe the glory of speed; no one knew. But when87