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FIRST PROOFClark stampTHE WINDOWThey had rooms in the village, and so, walkingin, walking out, parting late on door-mats, hadsaid little things about the soup, about thechildren,[∧]aboutone thing and another which made themallies; so that when he stood beside her now inhis judicial way (he was old enough to be herfather too, a botanist, a widower, the nicest man insome ways she knew, rather funny,[%]smelling ofsoap, very scrupulous and clean) she just stoodthere. He just stood there. Her shoes wereexcellent, he observed. They allowed the toestheir natural expansion. Lodging in the samehouse with her, he had noticed too, how orderlyshe was, up before breakfast and off to paint, hebelieved, alone: poor, presumably, and without thecomplexion or the allurement of Miss Doylecertainly, but with a good sense which made herin his eyes superior to that young lady. Now, forinstance, when Ramsay bore down on them,shouting, gesticulating, Miss Briscoe, he feltcertain, understood.Indentaspoetry VW's instructions are linked to "Someone had blundered," which is underlined. —MatthewHClarke"[∧] Someone had blundered.Sentence underlined to indicate portion referred to in margin[∧]"Mr. Ramsay glared at them. He glared atthem | galley marker 7 without seeming to see them. That didgal7make them both vaguely uncomfortable. To-gether they had seen a thing they had not beenmeant to see. They had encroached upon aprivacy. So, Lily thought, it was probably anexcuse of his for moving, for getting out ofC Signature marker33[R. & R. Clark, LTD2 FEB. 1927EDINBURGH]Clark stamp