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THE WINDOWwalking as if she expected to meet someone roundthe corner, while for the first time in his lifeCharles Tansley felt an extraordinary pride; a mandigging in a drain stopped digging and looked ather, let his arm fall down and looked at her; forthe first time in his life Charles Tansley felt anextraordinary pride; [∧]felt thewind &Marginal note is circled with line to point of insertion.the cyclamenVW —elizabeth.h.hanson& theviolets forVW —elizabeth.h.hansonhe was walking with abeautiful woman. He had hold of her bag.VW2II SCHB"No going to the Lighthouse, James," hesaid, as he stood by the window, speaking awk-wardly, but trying in deference to Mrs. Ramsayto soften his voice into some semblance ofgeniality at least.Odious little man, thought Mrs. Ramsay, whygo on saying that?3III SCHB"Perhaps you will wake up and find the sunshining and the birds singing," she said com-passionately, smoothing the little boy's hair, forher husband, with his caustic saying that it wouldnot be fine, had dashed his spirits she could see.This going to the Lighthouse was a passion ofhis, she saw, and then, as if her husband had notsaid enough, with his caustic saying that it would28