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THE WINDOWthe Reform Bill; sea birds and land birds;[%] VW: —peter.shillingsburgbutterfliesVW: —peter.shillingsburgpeople;while the HB: pencil mark with line to “gal 3” indicating galley break. Originally placed and erased before “into” —peter.shillingsburg sun poured into those attics, which agal 3 HB —peter.shillingsburgplank alone separated from each other so thatevery footstep could be plainly heard and the sobVW —peter.shillingsburgof HB: Cancellation missed by VW. —peter.shillingsburgthe Swiss girl VW: VW's cancellations and insertions were corrected in pencil by HB. —peter.shillingsburgwhose [∧]VW cancels word and inserts caret which HB crossed out in pencil. —peter.shillingsburgsobbingVW: VW's cancellations and insertions were corrected in pencil by HB. —peter.shillingsburgfor VW: VW's cancellations and insertions were corrected in pencil by HB. —peter.shillingsburgherVW: VW's cancellations and insertions were corrected in pencil by HB. —peter.shillingsburgfather [∧] VW: VW’s cancellations and insertions were corrected in pencil by HB. —peter.shillingsburg HB added caret and line to marginal addition in pencil. —peter.shillingsburgwhoVW: VW’s cancellations and insertions were corrected in pencil by HB. —peter.shillingsburgwas dying of cancer VW: VW's cancellations and insertions were corrected in pencil by HB. —peter.shillingsburgin a valley of the Grisons, and lit up bats, flannels,straw hats, ink-pots, paint-pots, beetles, and theskulls of small birds, while it drew from the longfrilled strips of seaweed pinned to the wall a smellof salt and weeds, which was in the towels too,gritty with sand from bathing.Strife, divisions, difference of opinion, pre-judices twisted into the very fibre of being, OohVW —peter.shillingsburgthat VW —peter.shillingsburgthey should begin so early, Mrs. Ramsay deplored.They were so critical, her children. They talkedsuch nonsense. She went from the dining-room,holding James by the hand, since he would notgo with the others. It seemed to her suchnonsense—inventing differences, when people,outHB circled in pencil —peter.shillingsburgsetHB circled in pencil —peter.shillingsburggal 3heaven knows, were different enough without that.The real differences, HB circled in pencil —peter.shillingsburgshe thought, standing by thedrawing-room window, are enough, O[%]quiteVW —peter.shillingsburgenough. VW —peter.shillingsburgShe had in mind at the moment, rich and poor,high and low; the great in birth coming to hermind now and then, VW In the original the clause “the great in birth … the cold Scoth” is grammatically incomplete. The revision requires a comma after “from her” represented in the MS only by two ambiguous marks: the end of the line under “from her” and the partially cancelled comma after “then”.—peter.shillingsburgreceivingfrom herhalf grudgingly, half respectfully,[%] somefor had she not in her veins the blood ofthat very noble, if slightly mythical, Italian house,whose daughters, scattered about English drawing-19