TO THE LIGHTHOUSEamuse them. For how would you like to be shutup for a whole month at a time, and possibly morein stormy weather, upon a rock the size of atennis lawn? she would ask,[VW: Comma struck through.] To be replaced by semicolon in left margin.] —peter.shillingsburg; [VW: Semicolon added in left margin.] —peter.shillingsburgand to have noletters or newspapers, and to see nobody—[VW: Dash struck through.] —peter.shillingsburg[%]; /[VW: Delete symbol added in margin. Semicolon and slash also added in margin.] —peter.shillingsburgif youwere married, not to see your wife, not to knowhow your children were, [^] [VW: Caret symbol.]
(—)[VW: Dash to be added following comma.] —peter.shillingsburgVW: Although the marginal dash is actually at the end of line six, it clearly goes with the caret in line seven. —peter.shillingsburgif they were ill, if theyhad fallen down and broken their legs or arms;to see the same dreary waves breaking week afterweek, and then a dreadful storm coming, and thewindows covered with spray, and birds dashedagainst the lamp, and the whole place rocking,and not be able to put your nose out of doors forfear of being swept into the sea? How would youlike that? she asked, addressing herself particularlyto her daughters. And[VW: Struck through.] —peter.shillingsburgSo [VW:] —peter.shillingsburgshe added, rather differently,one must take them whatever comforts one can."It's due west", said the atheist Tansley,holding his bony fingers spread so that the windblew through them, for he was sharing Mr.Ramsay's evening walk up and down, up anddown the terrace. That is to say, the wind blewfrom the worst possible direction for landing atthe Lighthouse. Yes, he did say disagreeablethings, Mrs. Ramsay admitted; it was odious ofhim to rub this in, and make James still moredisappointed; but at the same time, she wouldnot let them laugh at him. "The atheist", they14
(—)[VW: Dash to be added following comma.] —peter.shillingsburgVW: Although the marginal dash is actually at the end of line six, it clearly goes with the caret in line seven. —peter.shillingsburgif they were ill, if theyhad fallen down and broken their legs or arms;to see the same dreary waves breaking week afterweek, and then a dreadful storm coming, and thewindows covered with spray, and birds dashedagainst the lamp, and the whole place rocking,and not be able to put your nose out of doors forfear of being swept into the sea? How would youlike that? she asked, addressing herself particularlyto her daughters. And[VW: Struck through.] —peter.shillingsburgSo [VW:] —peter.shillingsburgshe added, rather differently,one must take them whatever comforts one can."It's due west", said the atheist Tansley,holding his bony fingers spread so that the windblew through them, for he was sharing Mr.Ramsay's evening walk up and down, up anddown the terrace. That is to say, the wind blewfrom the worst possible direction for landing atthe Lighthouse. Yes, he did say disagreeablethings, Mrs. Ramsay admitted; it was odious ofhim to rub this in, and make James still moredisappointed; but at the same time, she wouldnot let them laugh at him. "The atheist", they14