omit leaders [Note: black pencil line to leaders in table of contents, which are circled for deletion.]11pt Caslon[??]even sc[HBPP: Note: black pencil MS instruction with half circle and line pointing to “CONTENTS”] CONTENTSPAGEI. THE WINDOW…...9[HBPP: 9 overwirtten with 7 in black pencil]
II. TIME PASSES......?III. THE LIGHTHOUSE......?even SC 10ptCaslon[HBPP: Note: black pencil cursive MS instruction, with line to half circle bracketing section titles] 5[HBPP: Note: in black pencil page number]vii
II. TIME PASSES......?III. THE LIGHTHOUSE......?even SC 10ptCaslon[HBPP: Note: black pencil cursive MS instruction, with line to half circle bracketing section titles] 5[HBPP: Note: in black pencil page number]vii