THE LIGHTHOUSEwhite she had gone when Mr. Ramsay threw hisplate through the window! How she droopedunder those long silences between them! Any-how, her mother now would seem to be makingit up to her;assuring her that everything waswell; promising her that one of these days thatsame happiness would be hers. She had enjoyedit for less than a year, however.She had let the flowers fall from her basket,Lily thought, screwing up her eyes and standingback as if to look at her picture, which she wasnot touching, however, with all her faculties in atrance, frozen over superficially but movingunderneath with extreme speed.She let her flowers fall from her basket,scattered and tumbled them on to the grass and,reluctantly and hesitatingly, but without questionor complaint—had she not the faculty of obedienceto perfection?—went too. Down fields, acrossvalleys, white, flower-strewn—that was how shewould have painted it. The hills were austere.It was rocky; it was steep. The waves soundedhoarse on the stones beneath. They went, thethree of them together, Mrs. Ramsay walkingrather fast in front, as if she expected to meetsome one round the corner.Suddenly the window at which she was lookingwas whitened by some light stuff behind it. At311