THE LIGHTHOUSElong rigid silences, when, in a state of mind whichannoyed Lily in her, half plaintive, half resentful,she seemed unable to surmount the tempestcalmly, or to laugh as they laughed, but in herweariness perhaps concealed something. Shecould not brave another plate in the air or fist onthe table and so hid the letter, said nothing aboutthe bill (there was a scene that summer about a[%]bill for the greenhouse) and brooded and satsilent. After a time he would hang stealthilyabout the places where she was—roaming underthe window where she sat writing letters ortalking, for she would take care to be busy whenhe passed, and evade him, and pretend not to seehim. Then he would turn smooth as silk, affable[∧] ,/urbane, and try to win her so. Still she wouldhold off, and now she would assert for a briefseason some of those prides and airs the due ofher beauty which she was generally utterly with-out; would turn her head; would look so, overher shoulder, always with some Minta, Paul, orWilliam Bankes at her side. At length, standingoutside the group the very figure of a famishedwolfhound (Lily got up off the grass and stoodlooking at the steps, at the window, where she[%]had seen this), he would say her name, once only,for all the world like a wolf barking in the snow,but still she held back; and he would say it once309