Some Modem Books inEVERYMAN’S LIBRARYARNOLD BENNETT: The Old Wives'TaleCECIL CHESTERTON: A History of theU.S.A.G. K. CHESTERTON: Stories, Essays,and Poems]OSEPH CONRAD: Lord ]im; also TheNigger of the 'Narcissus,' Typhoon,and The Shadow Line (1 vol.)DE LA MARE: Stories, Essays, & PoemsSIR ARTHUR EDDINGTON: TheNature of the Physical WorldE. M. FORSTER: A Passage to IndiaANATOLE FRANCE: At the Sign of theReine Pédauque and The Revolt ofthe Angels (1 vol.)GROSSMITH: The Diary of a NobodyW. H. HUDSON: Far Away and LongAgo; also A Shepherd’s LifeALDOUS HUXLEY: Stories, Essays, andPoemsD. H. LAWRENCE: The White Peacock;also Stories, Essays, and PoemsTHOMAS MANN: Stories and EpisodesSOMERSET MAUGHAM: Cakes and Ale]. B. PRIESTLEY: Angel PavementQUILLER-COUCH: Cambridge LecturesSOMERVILLE AND ROSS: Experiencesof an Irish R.M.FRANK SWINNERTON: The GeorgianLiterary SceneJ. M. SYNGE: Plays, Poems, and ProseMARK TWAIN: Tom Sawyer andHuckleberry Finn (1 vol.)H. G. WELLS: The Time Machine, etc. ;also Ann VeronicaVIRGINIA WOOLF: To the LighthouseMODERN HUMOUR: A Nosegay oFContemporary WitMODERN PLAYS by Amold Bennett,

Somerset Maugham, and three others.MODERN SHORT STORIES: Kipling,Wodehouse, and eighteen othersPOEMS OF OUR TIME: 1900-40.An Anthology chosen by RichardChurch and M. M. BozmanPrinted in Great Britain at The Temple Press,Letchworth, Herts (Aj 135)
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